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Staying Connected While Living the RV Life

One of the most common questions I get when people learn that I'm living the RV life while working remotely is, "How do you stay connected?". The main considerations that you'll need to consider include: Which router will best support your mobile lifestyle. Which services you'll use to connect to the internet as you travel. Which antenna you'll use to get the best connections with you're router of choice. Before we dive into which router will best serve you, I'm going to give you a brief overview of the modern technologies that these routers use to make your connection fast, stable and secure. Router Technology Overview​ The router will be the brains of your RV network and it plays a pivotal role in these modern networking setups, particularly in the context of SD-WAN deployments. Its importance stems from its ability to act as a central point of control and management for your various connections to the internet, offering a range of features and funct...

Choosing To Go Nomad

For over twenty years we've lived a "traditional" life together. Working typical jobs, building our nests, and growing old. We would always try to squeeze every last drop out of life, and we would travel as much as we could. However, the time spent traveling and having fun was minimal in comparison to the time spent maintaining our lifestyles in our home.

We never really settled into this "traditional" life. I've acquired an endless list of hobbies in my pursuit of happiness, including rock climbing, trail running, mountain biking, scuba diving, etc., etc. My wife has had her own pastimes doing things like crafts, playing games... and kind of becoming a crazy cat lady. Even with all of these distractions, we'd pick up and move somewhere new every few years in order to fill that void in our lives. 

Moving is a horrible process! It's so laborious, and all of those precious belongings that we've coveted for so long always get trashed. However, we had the mentality that moving costs about as much as a vacation. So by moving every few years, we'd get to enjoy being somewhere new and fully take in what that area had to offer before we picked up and moved somewhere new. Although this is exciting, it is my no means the most efficient, or enjoyable way to travel the country.

We've always talked about doing the RV thing and setting out on the road to explore, but we never were able to make it happen. A few years ago, we sold our house before going to buy an RV. It turns out that the banks don't really like giving you a loan if you're going to be living in your RV full time, even if you're putting down a large chunk of cash and have good credit. So, after spending weeks living in a Super 8 with a bunch of cats, we ended up renting a place until the time came to move again.

Over the last three years, we've moved three times... and it's time to say that enough is enough. We went out and bought a class A motorhome, sold the house that we built the year before, moved our stuff into storage and started a new life. We will still have a permanent residence. But, our goal is to spend as much time on the road as possible and not have our house payment be a soul-crushing amount of debt which ends up dictating our lifestyle.

This website will be dedicated to sharing our experiences, both good and bad, with those that are interested in following along. We'd love it if this included you. Below you'll see a few ways to help follow our adventures across social media and this site. Hopefully, we'll be seeing you on all of these platforms.

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